Good Morning beloved kin…

So today integrates our connection to the purity of the Universal Water, the fluid amniotic frequencies that encapsulate the Universe and allow consciousness to flow… Today we model our connectivity to this through asking the questions that bring sparks of light into the brain, illuminating our natural intelligence… The capacity to think outside of the box and be open and integrated by asking the right quest-i-on…

Today we are supported by Blue Galactic Night, guided by the Hand, in the wavespell of the Warrior… Integrating fearless focus on our missions, by harmonising our feminine intuitive mind to the dreaming of our planet that brings the knowledge of the quests we are on, bringing us the questions that accompany our next step and our next step… Allowing us to live the dream we are naturally programmed for…. Accomplishing abundance for all beings, and being lead to heal all thought forms of separation that deny this…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Galactic Worldbridger, guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Storm… Integrating world change thru the surrendered  compassionate mind that seeks to connect and bridge worlds with our planetary family, with no attachment to dogmas…

Todays hidden gift is Red Rhythmic Serpent, self guided, in the Sun wavespell… Here our raw life force becomes balanced, our instinct for fight or flight comes into alignment, the kundalini raw serpent energy is tamed to energise our connection to Source…

So beloveds again a great day to be living in these potent times… allow your mind to quest and find its connection to Source through the purity of its antennae, every question can release more and more layers of fear, as the answers are delivered straight from Mother/Father God through your own mind!…


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