Dear Kin…
Today is the 13th and last day of the Eagle cycle/wavespell… Today we simply hold the presence of greater vision, to trust the healing that occurs through our hands, and to move with that, to allow our hands to accomplish the magic of spiritual healing…
We are supported today by Yellow Cosmic Human, guided by the Warrior, in the wavespell of the Sun… To hold enlightened presence thru focusing fully on the fearless wisdom of the ancients and walking the path of those who carried the greatest influence as shining lights paving the way…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Cosmic Earth, guided by the Dragon, in the Serpent wavespell… To be fully present, listening and responding to the synchronicities of the Earths messages, as she nurtures us into full life thru paying attention to her cycles…
Todays hidden gift is White Magnetic Wizard, self guided… To receive and anchor heightened frequencies that allow us to work deeply with the healing that emerges through our hands…
So beloveds an amazing day to be influenced by our most esteemed planetary ancestors and choose to walk the path of light and magic, allowing the healing to pour through us, and with strong focus, trusting that we can heal the Earth, fearlessly…
My friend Lisa Faiman, made a wonderful video in support of the fund raising we are doing this week to print this years 13 Moon Synchrometer…
see it here
and donate here
and please if you resonate this work, please share this far and wide… Thank you!
Blessed be dear hearts…
In Lake’ch (I am another yourself)

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