Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 5th day of the Star wavespell…
So today we empower the harmonic matrix of elegant and beautiful design, through allowing our choice to radiate light, empowering the harmony of our co-creation with our future ancestors…
Today is supported by Blue Overtone Hand, guided by the Eagle, in the Night wavespell… To empower healing through working with our intuition and seeing into the collective unconscious, being shown the visions that can accomplish deeper and deeper levels of abundance for all beings…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Overtone Wind, guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Mirror… To command truth with communication that reaches out from the heart to connect in unconditional love…
Todays hidden gift is Red Solar Moon, guided by the Serpent, in the Dragon wavespell… Through realising and pulsing a raw sensitivity to the universal flow, we initiate the bEarthing of new consciousness…
So beloveds enjoy this powerful day… and remember that tomorrow for some and today for others there will be the major eclipse signifying the beginning of very powerful shifts… It will be a good time to be in ceremony and pulsing forward the greatest visions of beauty for our planet and our cosmos…
Tomorrow also is the alignment at Chichen Itza of the Sun with the Pleiades, as seen at the top of the pyramid there…

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