Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 6th day of the Star wavespell…
Today works primarily on the physical plane, to explore the organisation of the physical dimension… A great day for finding balance by going out on adventures, following the harmony, the beauty, the creativity of ones being, expanding into the elegant art form of harmonic consciousness…
Today is supported by White Rhythmic Worldbridger, self guided in the wavespell of the Dragon… To find equality through surrendering into the right alignment of the physical body… Also going out to explore different worlds and circles, in order to act as a bridge for planetary response-ability to occur, to answer to the needs of this New Time bEarthing…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Rhythmic Night, self guided, in the Mirror wavespell… To organise the planetary resources so that they may reflect more fully the dreaming of abundance for all beings, bringing our planet into equality, by reflecting the truth of the imbalances of resource distribution…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Galactic Star, guided by the Human, in the Dragon wavespell… To integrate response-ability, by allowing our choices to reflect a harmonious interconnectedness with all things, modeling the harmony of all things being connected in the web of life through our collective mind… Knowing that every thought we choose to energise affects all things in the matrix of consciousness…
Blessed be dear hearts… Enjoy exploring, expanding and awakening into the harmonic order of the natural matrix…