Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 9th day of the Star wavespell…
Today we are definately pulsed to ON the mission… I am sure most of us woke up this morning with a great sense of being focussed on whatever is our most passionate project of the moment… Up and at em… Guided today by those that carry influence for our project, and also by the greater wisdom of our experiences… Being pulsed to focus fearlessly on our creations…
We are supported today by Blue Solar Night, guided by the Storm, in the Eagle wavespell… Pulsing the creative ideas that storm in intuitively, from the feminine brain connected to the iron crystal core of our Mother Earth, that is continually pulsing abundance for all beings… Realising our dreams in multi-colour visionary abundance…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Solar Worldbridger, guided by the Wind, in the Mirror wavespell… To surrender to the pulse of Spirit, allowing spirit to reflect the opportunities and networks that draw us to the right people and situations…
Todays hidden gift is Red Overtone Serpent, guided by the Skywalker, in the Dragon wavespell… Empowered by our instinct to explore what it is to bEarth and initiate our projects… To carry the ‘Mana’ (spiritual power) that commands respect and expands and radiates this energy that reveals our level of caring and responsibility…
So beloveds enjoy this powerful pulsing day of being fully on the mission of fearlessly focusing on our most creative ventures…
blessed be dear hearts…

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