Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today is the last day, day 260, of the Tzolkin harmonic matrix… ‘Tzol’ means to count, and ‘Kin’ means light, sun, day, our relationship to each other as kin… So Tzolkin is the count of days, the count of light and the count of us as kin in the sacred matrix of light frequencies, where we all are part of the harmonic pattern of consciousness…

It is also the 13th and last day of the Star wavespell, the wavespell that reveals the harmonic matrix of consciousness as the greatest act of creation, where we are all co-creators within the order of harmony…

Today we hold the presence of harmony by coming home to source and shining our lights as pure light beings focused on the capacity to co-create the greatest and highest potentialities available to us, as we know our-cell-ves as part of the elegant design of ever evolving light, shining co-creatively with all of consciousness…

Today is supported by Blue Cosmic Storm, guided by the Night, in the Hand wavespell… Being in the presence of allowing collective unconscious energies around abundance to heal, knowing that there is enough energy for all beings everywhere, as we allow all energies to change and endure as the witness to great transformation…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Cosmic Dog, guided the Wizard, in the Mirror wavespell… To hold the presence of pure love, open receptive, timeless, at one in the endless order of connection to all consciousness…

Todays hidden gift is Red Magnetic Dragon, self guided… To attract the birth of the new… To respond to the magnetic pull towards  source of all of consciousness to bEarth the new!!! The great mama birthing of new being…

Blessed be dear hearts on this fine fine day at the end of the universe and beyond to abide inside our own hearts!!!



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