Good Day Planetary Kin…
So today is the 10th day of this first wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Dragon wavespell…
Today we manifest the bEarth of the new, through coming into alignment with those around us, reflecting the heart and our loyalty with friends and family… Manifesting family is the wonder of birthing…
We are supported today by Red Planetary Moon, guided by the Earth, in the Sun wavespell… To manifest our light to shine through going with the flow of synchronicity… Listening to the earths cycles as they ever flow the evolution home to source…
The challenge that strengthens is Yellow Planetary Sun, guided by the Star, in the Monkey wavespell… Manifesting magic by shining the light of our creativity, producing harmony and joy…
Todays hidden gift is Blue SelfExisting Monkey, guided by the Hand, in the Star wavespell.. Defining harmony as trusting that knowledge can come to us through our creativity, as it measures where we fit in the pattern of the harmonic matrix…
So beloveds brief and joyful today…
blessed be
In Lake’sh! I was wondering if you have the symbol image for Kin 10?