Good Morning…
Today is the 5th day of the Wizard wavespell…
Today we reflect upon the power of surrendering to the truth, to the right alignment of reflecting truly all that channels through us… No holds barred! What is life as we strip away the masks and allow the breath of spirit to simply breathe us… Do not miss this opportunity today as all the Neutrinos pulse through us aligning us to spirits perfect order…
Todays support is Red Overtone Dragon, guided by the Moon, in the Earth wavespell… The power of birthing the flow of synchronicity, the flow of the cycles of r-evolution… To allow our ancestral genetic bloodlines to bEarth anew through the blood of our bodies, having the ability to respond to the flow of what is here and now!
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Overtone Star, guided by the Warrior, in the Seed wavespell… The power of our fearless creativity to command the co-creation of New Time…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Solar Night, guided by the Storm, in the Eagle wavespell… To realise the abundance of vision that is pulsed directly from our in-tuition, by connecting deeply to the collective unconscious dreaming state that assists the creative mind to find ever more wonderous solutions for all that we are here to change…
So beloveds enjoy the powerful day, and command the truth as spirit breathes it through you, opening you to ever deeper levels of the receptivity available to be anchored from the multidimensions of consciousness!

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