Today is the 7th day of Wizard wavespell, it is a day when the dimensional doorways are open to channeling through great light and is also one of the 13 clear signs that was placed on the side of Pacal Votans tomb lid in Palenque, denoting a day where we become super attentive to the level of evolution that can channel through today!
Here we become inpired to shine the light on the wisdom learnt from experiences past… Allowing us to become resonant with the choices that inspire the greatest light to channel within and from you… This becomes the protection of independantly choosing to be receptive to that which brings light and allowing that influence to channel through us in this highly receptive Wizard wavespell…
We are supported in this today by Blue Resonant Storm, guided by the Monkey, in the Skywalker wavespell… To be inspired to trust the level of energy that channels through will bring expansion and awakening that pushes the boundaries of all that is stuck, inspiring change to catalyse all parts of our emotional bodies that may have become stuck in behaviours outside of receptivity to the present moment…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Resonant Dog, guided by the Wind, in the Seed wavespell… To inspire love and devotion to co-creating the new by allowing spirits breath to breathe through us connecting heart to heart to heart, allowing the co-creation that resonates the loyalty and love of spirit family…
The hidden gift of this inspiring day is Red Resonant Dragon, guided by the Skywalker, in the Eagle wavespell… To express the nurturing that inspires the greater vision of our ongoing journey to channel through as creative solutions that honour our ability to respond with energy that resonates our sense of caring for ourselves and others… To be inspired to initiate the deep responsibility that all expression comes from a place of caring and self-responsibility…
So beloveds enjoy this divine day full of the inspiration of channeling the light wisely, carrying the greatest influence for the betterment of our childrens childrens children…