Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 11th day of the receptive Wizard or shamana wavespell…
Today we free up our receptivity by projecting out into co-creating with others…
All energies anchored in over the past 10 days today have the opportunity to focus on their highest potential freedom of levitation… As the seed grows into the mighty tree from the levitation of its waters up through its trunk… So now the channel between higher dimensions and Earth has been established, we can now rise up that channel to feel the liberation of the highest potential of the New Time…
Todays support is Blue Spectral Eagle, self guided, in the Serpent wavespell… To liberate the rising kundalini life force to be free to fly above the dramas of our everyday lives, liberating our creative minds that can see the solutions for all the problems that need solving closer to the ground…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Spectral Wizard, in the Seed wavespell… To also find freedom through receptivity to the gravity that is in turn anchoring our the new potentials into our feeling bodies…
Todays hidden gift is Red Electric Earth, guided by the Dragon, in the Eagle wavespell… Electrifying and activating the bEarth of the new Earth through responding directly to her synchronicities and timing… Serving her cycles in order that the greater vision and creative mind becomes super electric and able to work with our Great Mother Gaia…
So beloveds a wonderful day to work with others, to feel the liberation of our highest potential, co-creating with our Great Mother Earth….
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be

One Response

  1. Thank you so much for this insight! Today is also Yellow Spectral Seed but in the White Magnetic Wizard year 2020 during Covid 19. I am comforted that I can overcome the many things going on at the 3d level right now by rising up with Eagle and connecting to the Earth. Today my daughter starts her Residential drug treatment program and she is a Red Earth! So this is very auspicious for her and we are planting seeds for her greatness to grow. Thank you In L’akesh, Rainbow Tara

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