Today is the 8th day of the Sun wavespell and for those with birthdays today, the 8th year of a 13 year cycle of the wisdom of integrating oneself as a co-creator with consciousness, choosing the most wise free will, that that is completely in alignment with spirit…
So saying today we integrate our connection to source, modeling source as the mind harmonised with the joy of knowing… Trusting that the knowledge that most heals is that which brings the most light and is integrated in the harmonic systems pulsing from the sun…
Todays support is Yellow Galactic Human, guided by the Warrior, in the Serpent wavespell… To integrate survival through choosing fearlessly that that encourages the strongest life force… The fearless intelligent choice of living lifes experiences fully…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Galactic Earth, guided by the Dragon, in the Dog wavespell… To integrate our connectedness to the web of love through responding to the Earths cycles and the timing of synchronicity which shows us the way to open to our connectedness to all of consciousness in unconditional love…
Todays hidden gift is White Rhythmic Wizard, self guided, in the Moon wavespell… To purify by bringing our physical world into balance by opening our receptivity to the collective and fluid consciousness of multidimensional reality and anchoring it deep into the physical reality, timeless receptive pure now!
So for those with birthdays, may this augur well for your solar return, and may the path be bright, light and shining with each step as you choose to walk so beautifully the patterns that inform us…
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be!