Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 10th day of the Sun wavespell.. Today we manifest our shine by going with the flow of synchronicity, being in the perfect place at the perfect time… We manifest more light as we purify our bodies in alignment with the natural cycles, purifying our waters internal and external, by drinking a lot of water and being immersed in the life giving energy of pure water…
Today is supported by White Planetary Dog, guided by the Mirror, in the Dragon wavespell… To manifest love, by answering to our responsibilities, our ability to respond to reflecting the clearest caring, the clearest love, no ties attached…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Planetary Storm, guided by the Hand, in the Dog wavespell… To manifest unconditional love, by allowing the chaos and transformation that is generated when we accomplish change, allowing the healing of the heart…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow SelfExisting Human, guided by the Star, in the Moon wavespell… To define the flow of pure consciousness as our capacity to make choices from our mind, based on harmony and creating ever more pure choices that influence our capacity to co-create with consciousness the harmony that strengthens all generations to come and honours all generations that have been…