Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today is the 2nd day of the Blue Resonant Storm year, and the 8th day of the Skywalker wavespell… It is a portal day and is also the birth signature of Pacal Votan, this from the on Pacal –

Pacal Votan – Chief galactic Mayan agent self produced from his samadhi GM108X to incarnate during 80-year cycle AD 603-683 at Nah Chan (Palenque), first 28 years preparation for the 52-year cycle of power 631-683, during which time all of the galactic codes of time and prophecy were synchronized for the advent of UR in 2012.

UR means Universal Religion… or the land of UR…. or whatever your dream body would like it to be…

So today we integrate the awakening through being guided by Yellow Galactic Seed, the signature that heralds the beginning of the New Time – Magnetic Moon 1, July 26, 2013… Interesting that this synchronises as todays guide on this second day of the Year of great change… So today we integrate our capacity to have illuminated mind focussed on the higher potential of where we are rising to in consciousness… Sovereign mind thinking outside of the box of the old paradigm, and remaining focused on the most positive of outcomes, to flower in universal enlightenment…

Todays support is Blue Galactic Storm, guided by the Night, in the Human wavespell… Integrating our free will through choosing to allow our intuition to guide us to allow the transformation of the collective mind…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Galactic Dog, guided by the Wizard, in the Night wavespell… my occult… To integrate the mind that merges multidimensional realms with all that is unseen, in the collective unconscious… Anchoring the feminine principle of love, loyalty and tribe as part of the collective focus for the new time…. Enough love to love the deepest darkness hidden on our planet, that all may harmonise the abundance that is here for us…

Todays hidden gift is Red Rhythmic Dragon, self guided, in the Warrior wavespell… Maya… To organise the physical dimension into balance through nurturing and becoming responsible for looking after ourselves enough that we may continue with the mission of the New Time!…

So beloveds a powerful day and a day where we can honour Pacal Votan and all that was laid in the tomb of the Temple of Inscriptions to guide us forward into a New Time of Hamony and Peace… blessed be dear hearts…


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