Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today is the 4th day of the Worldbridger wavespell of death, what it is to let go attachment to all… It is also a portal day, a day when the dimensional doorways are open, as we surrender to the flow of new and pure consciousness, we must let go of all that was, in order to receive the new… Loosing sight of the shore in order to free flow to the new destination, guided by our instinct for survival, where the most vital life force guides us….

Today we work primarily on the mental planc to define surrender as the instinctive flow of pure mind, sensitive to the collective flow of conscious thought, which initiates the flow from one world to another…

Todays support energy is White SelfExisting Dog, guided by the Worldbridger, in the Hand wavespell… The compassionate mind that carries no attachment, allowing a sense of accomplishment to move us forward… Serving to heal the past as we surrender the mind to the heart and compassionate understanding of the connectedness of all things…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue SelfExisting Storm, guided by the Eagle, in the Warrior wavespell… Guided by the creative solutions oriented mind, to catalyse change as part of continuing focus of stepping forward fearlessly on our quests…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Planetary Human, guided by the Sun, in the Night wavespell… To manifest abundance, through independantly choosing that which brings wellbeing to all people… The perfected solar human, free will aligned with the wisdom of choosing independantly to manifest our dreams of abundance for ALL beings…

So beloveds, today is a day to purify the mind, allowing the flow of our first instinctive thoughts, in order to initiate the surrender to pure mind…

Blessed be dear hearts, may we flow and allow original pure mind initiate our path of surrender to the new world and the New Time…


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