Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 8th day of 13 days of networking that occurs through letting go of all that does not serve you, in order to open to the opportunities that are yours to experience…
Today we integrate the above by expressing ourselves in the perfect timing… Being guided to listen for the right moment that our important messages can be heard… Ready for the moment to make the greatest impact…
Todays support energy is White Galactic Worldbridger, guided by the Dog, in the Storm wavespell… To model change through the mind that is ready to surrender to compassionate understanding in order to bridge the gaps…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Galactic Night, guided by the Hand, in the Warrior wavespell… To integrate our capacity to move forward on our missions by acting upon our intuition… Learning about what lies in the collective unconscious in order to fearlessly move forward in healing the fears…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Rhythmic Star, self guided, in the Night wavespell… To organise our physical realities for balance and equality by allowing our selves to immerse deeply into the beauty and harmony of nature, allowing the natural patterns to reveal themselves that we may understand and bring to balance any distortions in the collective unconscious…
So beloveds a wonderous day of integration and harmonising our exploration of journeying through many different worlds…