A truly God/dess Morning to all…
A day where I have awoken with a dedication to music and yoga, as next week I teach at a Retreat Centre in the north of Bali… So today I am learning the songs to share in bhajan – the most divine way I know of sharing the devotion to spirit with others…
Today is the 5th day of the Mirror wavespell… A day of receiving the radiance and empowerment of spirit, allowing it to channel through our hearts and be spoken, sang and danced through our words, deeds and bodies… A powerful day to sing in pure devotion to spirit with others…
Today is supported by Red Overtone Earth, what it is to deeply listen and express strongly in order to awaken the deepest callings of the Earth, through us…
Todays strengthening challenge is Yellow Overtone Human, radiating powerful influence guided by its own independent creativity to empower harmony with all beings…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Solar Storm, to realise change as our capacity to trust the far-reaching shifts that are guided by our creative minds capacity to envision the bigger picture and to play in the chaos of change that that trust allows…
Today is dedicated to my dear brothers, Till and Alex… Till is 26 and is an Overtone Wind in an Overtone Human year, truly radiating his influence to bring the greatest harmony, Till created this blog and for that I am very thankful… Alex is a Solar Storm and one of the most divinely creative beings I now, playful with a huge energy that pushes all the boundaries in order to generate more joy.. Thankyou my brothers… And here is a little hidden gift from Alex
Kin 122: White Overtone Wind ‘Empowered Spirit’ | Time Waves http://t.co/yUhxJkxa