Good Morning beloved kin…

So today is the 10th day of the Mirror wavespell, and as that is the day of physical plane manifestation… The build up of the last 10 days allows the natural production of the initial purpose of this cycle, that of the Mirror, to reflect the endless order of alignment in our centre… Today this is manifested with Blue Planetary Hand, guided by the Eagle, the 7th day in the central column of the Tzolkin, allowing us to abide deeply in the centre of our beings, accomplishing our actions guided by creative vision, to find the answers to healing ourselves and our planet, bringing all to a centred place of reflecting the truth of any given moment, minus the delusions of the old paradigms… A capacity to act with vision on the clarity of each given moment, hence able to accomplish a lot today in a clear way that clears old karma and does not create more…

Today is supported by Yellow Planetary Human, manifesting abundance through choosing to be independent from the masses in order to choose wisely, make decisions that are based on our planetary dreaming ‘Abundance for all Beings’… In this way we bring more light and clarity and honour the wisdom of our predecessors who also chose outside of the confines of the ‘power over’ paradigm… This energy reflects our capacity allow free will to influence the living of the dreaming that we are all here for and begins with our choice to make this so…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Planetary Earth, guided by the Serpent… To manifest the most divine harmony, through listening to the earth and being guided by our instincts to follow the synchronicity that leads deeper into the elegant creations of the natural world on which to model our lives and reveal to us the cycles of harmony that continue to live through us each day whether we know it or not!

Todays hidden gift is White SelfExisting Wizard, guided by the Dog… To define the magic of creativity as having a deeply receptive mind that seeks to encompass all that it encounters, full inclusion of all as a part of the pattern/web of life… Open to the uniqueness of each aspect of this divine play of archetypal brilliance… A model leading to pure joy once we release all need to deny any part of our experience…

Manifesting the clarity through allowing the capacity to see where all accomplishment comes from and simply re-aligning all to reflect the greatest healing…

And for me personally a great day of truly teaching my first Mayan Yoga class centering deeply on the manipura/solar plexus chakra as the kuxaan suum or umbilical chord leading to galactic centre – divine and powerful class where we all embraced our galactic/earthly nature, with meditation, asana and sound to accompany this experience…

I am also considering to set up a series of 7 weekly 2-hr classes online as a webinair, please let me know if you are interested… And the curriculum may look something like this –

1 – the history of the Mayan Calendar, looking deeply at the foundation of the Dreamspell, the work of Jose Arguelles and the 2012 phenomenon…

2 – the structure of the 365 day 13 Moon Calendar (3rd dimensional time) and the 260 day Tzolkin (4th dimensional time), looking deeply at past, present and future time perspectives… the work of Jose Arguelles

3 – the 13 tones and the cycles of purpose, manifestation and transcendence… 13 day, moon and year cycles…

4 – the 20 glyphs and the story of creation through archetypes and light pulses…

5 – personal signatures within the group, participatory…

6 – a quick look at the advanced practises, eg planetary cycles, rinri, telektonon, synchronotron

7 – an open session where we can go over any areas that are unclear or simply allow the free flow of inspiration to guide us…

That is a basic structure that is open to change as revelations are received on how to set up this for the clearest delivery of this divine system… I shall post more on this in my newsletter, so if you are interested, please sign up on the front page of my website… Or if you are reading this post on my website just go to the right and you will see where to sign up for newsletter…

Bless Bliss Blossom…


6 Responses

  1. Thankyou Vasquumi for this wonderful insight on today…Fantaqstic that you are teaching Mayan yoga classes. To work with the mudra and alignment of each day would be amazing with you …endless blessings of love xx x x x *****X*X*X
    yes tell me more about online classes

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