Osho - Liberating WisdomHi folks…

So today is day 11 of the Wind wavespell… A day for liberation through freeing up all the energy built up over the past 11 days… Day 1 sets the purpose that builds over 10 days, Day 10 manifests that purpose (yesterday), and Day 11 releases all the energy no longer needed… Day 11 works primarily on the emotional (energy in motion) plane, and it was interesting today as I spoke with my sister and said one comment and burst into tears… I realised in this moment it is a spectral day and gave thanks for all that has been received as I choose to release all that does not resound to the wisest tunes… Today is also Human which represents Free Will and the wisdom of our choices, so today we relase and liberate all that has been received from spirit and choose to align with that which points to the greatest depths of wisdom… Aligning our free will to the will of spirit…

Todays support is Blue Spectral Hand… Liberating healing through listening to the cycles of evolution and being aware of those actions that bring the greatest healing to self and all of Earth…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Spectral Wind… To liberate the wisdom of spirit through the breath, through writing, dance song…

Todays hidden gift is Red Electric Moon… To serve the healing through activating the pure flow of expression, the expression that purifies and cleanses, allowing emotions to flow out in order to heal…

So beloveds a great day for release, letting go and allowing the wisdom to flow from us… Coming home to ourselves, feeling the messages of spirit, and choosing from our own free will, by feeling what is deeply right for us in all we are asked to do, then choosing what is ours to walk with on our free will planet…

So beloveds enjoy the release…


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