happy stormHello beloveds.

Well today definately deserves a post… Today we are bEarthing the collective learning of this year, as we are 260 days since July 26, the beginning of the year, signified by the Heliacal rising of Sirius with the Sun on the 19.5 latitude (do further research on this latitude to understand its importance or go to basics on the year in this site)…

And so today on this 7th day of the Skywalker wavespell, we become inspired to trust and find joy in the enormous changes that are occurring on our planet, as we all shift our perspectives from personal to global and beyond… No one can deny the changes that are occurring and I am sure that we are all more aligned to them and allowing the excitation of the magic that is possible once we release our need to be in control…

With the support of Yellow Resonant Sun, the inspiration draws light to the ancient cultures and their Solar focus, as we resonate more deeply with the advent of solar flares and all that these inspire in us…

Today is challenged, yet strengthened by Red Resonant Moon, to flow with the undercurrent dreaming of abundance for all beings, as we respond in a pure way to the stories our nerve–endings are telling us…

Todays gift is White Resonant Wind… Inspired sharing that is channeled directly from fearlessly asking the quest-i-ons that further our missions… To resonate fearlessly to anchor spirits messages onto the planet…

So beloveds, one of the those inspiring, bouncy, full days where anything is possible, where we learn to trust all the change, and learn to be open with our questions rather than arriving at answers that close down our capacity to receive… Let go all conclusions, and find the quest-i-on that allows consciousness to awaken and open and gift you with more than you could ever imagine…

Blessed be dear ones and more from me soon, currently in Java, Indonesia, being cleansed of the last off the old paradigms amalgam through a process of Divine Smoke with a wonderful woman who has dedicated her life to clearing out the toxicity that has bestowed upon us by a sleepy world… see www.divinecigarette.com… And if you are interested to hear more, please contact me…

Many blessings and great to connect with you all again…

In Peace


4 Responses

  1. Such a perfect post!! The shifts and changes have felt dramatic but in a way that still feels beautiful and support.. bring them on I say !! 🙂

    1. A ho! dear one… yes the shifts the changes and the joy to celebrate as we open the door to the new and oh so different.. Viva la difference…!

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