So today is a great day to unleash our creativity by giving up any sense of ‘I’, any identifying of self as separate from all of creation, in order to become a pure channel of Gods truth… Today is the 5th day of the Mirror wavespell… A day of receiving the radiance and empowerment of spirits unconditional love, allowing it to channel through our hearts and be spoken, sang and danced through our words, deeds and bodies… A powerful day to sing in pure devotion to spirit, as we unite with others in spirits name…
This pre-dawn there is a sinking back into the rawness of times gone by, a deep listening for the messages that reveal all that is denied in order to awaken the serpent, our life force, from the slumber of that denial, that we may re-embrace and command the life force locked up in old patterns, to climb the stairway as channels of spirits calling… To radiate that life force as we re-invigorate the ongoing evolution in this grand awakening…
This morning a powerful sense of connectedness as we feel ourselves as part of the web of love, connected as nodal points in the geometries of divine universal family… In pure devotion to bridging the worlds from heart to heart to heart….
This afternoon we find our-cell-ves strengthened as we choose to radiate a solar power, as we become aware of our interplay with the forces of spirit as co-creators able to influence and empower harmony with all beings…
This evening we regain our trust by realizing that all is in a constant state of change, as we are guided by our creative minds to pulse the change and ride the intensified energy that occurs as a pre-cursor to illumination… In this we allow increased energy to pulse through our beings as we hold the intention to trust the greater picture of a magical world that serves our childrens children children….
Today is dedicated to my dear brother Till… Till is an Overtone Wind, truly radiating spirit in his capacity to dance and sing as a pure conduit… Till assisted in the set up of this blog site and for that I am very thankful…