Today is the 7th day of the Mirror wavespell… So we are inspired to reflect the truth of higher potential we see… Inspiring all to let go fear and allow the truth of our potential to be seen and watered, to grow into the mighty trees we are here to be, fearlessly co-creating the New Time… Reflecting the shiniest mirrors possible, resonating growth together with immense focus… The Quest of joining with others to co-create and inspire the greatest awareness possible… So fully focused, as we bring order to our worlds, so that the highest potentials for flowering are assured… Channeling the highest aspirations of our collective intelligence, reflecting the perfect order of all of life…
Pre-dawn brings inspiring visions that reveal the actions that can bring more flow to our lives… Healing visions that serve to purify and give us resonance with the most pure consciousness… Feeling the future by healing the present… To envision accomplishing the vision by just flowing from step to step… The creative mind in resonance with solutions to every hurdle with fluid motion, moment by moment healing of every wound…
This morning, we may find a strong focus on the beauty in and around us, choosing to allow the harmonic intelligence of nature to inspire us, as it resonates with the creative urges inside us…. We may feel inspired to create beauty all around us this morning…
This afternoon, a deep stillness, as we surrender to the timeless quality of receptive surrender… A great time for meditation, as the doorways are open to many different dimensios, you may have some visitations from different beings, depending on how receptive you become… To be open and receptive to anchoring divine harmonies from many different dimensions, channeling messages that inspire us to re-member the harmonic matrix… Highly receptive and surrendered, resonating and channeling from many dimensions, inspired by the complete artistry of the harmonic and timeless nature of worlds beyond worlds beyond worlds… The immediatry (immediate geometry, thankyou Rahb) of this timeless moment resonating in direct relationship with the Stars…
This evening, we are open and listening for the flow of messages which are sent to inspire… Inspired and resonating with the flow of Earths cycles, from past, to present, to future, allowing her greatest joy to rise up and be channeled through us as pure creativity… Resonant with the pure flow of synchronicity, innocently inspired by the magic of perfect timing… Hypersensitive to cycles, we feel the wonder of the divine evolution navigated by Earth and Moon…
So beloveds a truly blessed day, in which to inspire, attune and resonate the beauty of co-creative vision with Pacha Mama in perfect timing as we grow in the flow of evolution… A wonderous day of divine flowering, inspired by all the beings of all the worlds as we join in the Quest for the New Time!