Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… To  follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the 9th day of the Mirror wavespell  promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where balance arrives as we surrender at the doorway between the worlds, with the breath as the pure channel that leads us to anchoring cosmic prana, through us here and now, into the earth… A deep wellspring of truth pulses, as we surrender to spirits guidance through layers and layers of non-truth, realising that as we completely surrender to spirit, the bare bones of consciousness itself is revealed, no frills! No there is nothing wrong, just surrender, it is yet another good day to die and fly!

Pre-dawn we are awakened to  realise the immense life force that drives us we flow upward into the expansion of the heavens in order to build a divine sensitivity to all those worlds ‘out there’ and know them as a part of our own vital life force as ‘awakened consciousness’…

Surrender1This morning spirit pulses strong, messages commune-icate the truth as it is reflected before us, sharp and clear…

This afternoon we realize harmony as our capacity to choose fearlessly to focus on the patterns of beauty revealed before us, reflecting the inner beauty… Free will guiding our quest back in to the elegant design of the omniverse…

This evening the power of intuitive vision, the capacity to dream creative solutions that connect many worlds leads us to trust the magic of the divine patterns of consciousness which emerge from the void, the great darkness, the ultimate feminine womb of creation… Fly deeply in the depths of the unconscious and emerge with the visions that command abundance for all beings… Radiating joy that emerges from dissolving the many into the one! One mind, one heart, one planet, one divine consciousness… Blessed be!!!


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