So today we get to find our nurture nature… As we come home to attending to the emotional needs we left behind in pushing the boundaries of our creativity… Birthing respect for ourselves and the mother, the most powerful aspect of the feminine, birthing a deep sense of caring, in order to become liberated enough in a grounded caring way to birth anew…

Pre-dawn brings a sense of release and liberation through deep reflection upon the beauty of creation, dissolving all but the bare bones of harmonic elegance… Getting real with ourselves and others as to what is real and what needs releasing…

This morning we respond to all details that need caring for as we have created many different projects and now the reality sets in, to see which projects will last, which are the most demanding and which ones hold our passion…

This afternoon we find freedom in a sense of play that is birthed when responsibilities have been liberated, with responsibilities dissolved, real joy finds its way to freedom… Finding freedom by looking to the magical patterns that spell out our deep responsibility to and with creation.. Here we honor Jose Arguelles, as this is his signature, and he is a man who took this play siriusly, gifting us the freedom to play with these codes in order to find who we are and what is going on here through this portal of consciousness…

This evening we activate our own emotional independence through creating with others, and shining the light on anything that needs to be cut away in order that we may focus together of birthing new creations… Bringing  lightness to co-creation when this independence is activated in service to the new… Feeling into the collective truth and shining a light on it…

Mothering patterns may be illuminated!


2 Responses

    1. Yes Alicia… and this is his antipode… so before I had had Spectral Monkey written in there, and omitted it not realising that it would read out of context… The pre-dawn is the analog, the morning is the guide, the afternoon is the antipode, and the evening is the occult energies for the day… Thankyou for your keen eye… Blessings Vasumi

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