starwheels.comGood Morning beautiful starry beings…

The creations from yesterdays healing dreaming enters into the spirit plane this morning, giving a sense of the power of creativity… Overtone works with spiritual power… in New Zealand Maori language we have a specific name for this which resonates most powerfully… the word is MANA – meaning the power which comes from spirit which gifts radiance.

Today is a day of Mana where our fearless creativity is what empowers the New Time, reflecting yesterdays access to the intuitive dreaming mind bringing forth the knowledge of the New Time. The divine beauty of nature and our connectedness to it that bringing the gift of creation – to paint or write the beauty and harmony of this planet and its geometric patterning of consciousness… The sacred patterns of rocks on sand, of fingers passing over strings… Accessing any fears that may inhibit the potent power of creating beauty in our lives and our worlds, the interconnectedness of all life in the sacred geometrics of elegant beauty… Fearlessly embracing our own potential to be co-creators of the new time! TIME IS ART!

Jump Green
Jump Green

Pre-dawn we learn to trust our capacity for accomplishing change through alchemical magic… To play with the magic of creativity as a healing tool, bringing transformation to the elemental realms… As we learn to trust our child-like nature that seeks to push the boundaries of illusion in order to reveal the real and magical potent power of divine magic of innocence…

This morning we find the power to face our fears in co-creating a mission which influences others to choose the wisdom of intelligent design, co-creating harmony that resembles the wisdom of the ancestors…

From noon a powerful sword is wielded to cut away all that would keep us from walking through the doorway of truth… Anchoring portals to receive powerful reflections gifted from many dimensions of existence… Cutting away internal criticism in the early stages of creation, that would inhibit creativity so that we may cross the bridge into  the powerful brillance and beauty of completed works…

This evening gifts a sensitivity to explore the cosmos, riding the currents of strong instinctive life force, up into the stars, realising our connections to sacred cosmic beauty…

Today is also a GAP day, open to new energies pouring through that assist with the release of all identification with old limiting programmes… eg, – I am not an artist… Face all fears of creation… Release all vows contracts or agreements you may have made across all time, space and dimension of your multidimensional bodies that inhibit your access to pure creation for fear of….. whatever it is…. and ask for full support with this NOW!…. Set the intention to connect with the stars as a bridge from heaven to earth in order to awaken and purify all of consciousness…

Here I will share a divine passage written by our divine brother and and initiator of the cosmic codes of the Dreamspell, Jose Arguelles……

So blessed be dear hearts and enjoy the beauty of this day… and the creative forces at work inside of you…


we learn to trust the magic of creativity as a healing tool, bringing transformation to the elemental realms… As we learn to trust our child-like nature that seeks to push the boundaries of illusion in order to reveal the real and magical potent power of divine magic of innocence…

This morning we learn to trust our capacity to accomplish change through alchemical magic…This afternoon a powerful sword is wielded to cut away all that would keep us from walking through the doorway of truth… Anchoring portals to receive powerful reflections gifted from many dimensions of existence… Cutting away internal criticism in the early stages of creation, that would inhibit creativity so that we may cross the bridge into  the powerful brillance and beauty of completed works…

This evening gifts a sensitivity to explore the cosmos, riding the currents of strong instinctive life force, up into the stars, realising our connections to sacred cosmic beauty…

Today is also a GAP day, open to new energies pouring through that assist with the release of all identification with old limiting programmes… eg, – I am not an artist… Face all fears of creation… Release all vows contracts or agreements you may have made across all time, space and dimension of your multidimensional bodies that inhibit your access to pure creation for fear of….. whatever it is…. and ask for full support with this NOW!…. Set the intention to connect with the stars as a bridge from heaven to earth in order to awaken and purify all of consciousness…

Here I will share a divine passage written by our dear brother and and initiator of the cosmic codes of the Dreamspell, Jose Arguelles……

So blessed be dear hearts and enjoy the beauty of this day… and the creative forces at work inside of you…


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