Water Temple in Bali
Water Temple in Bali

A flowing day, where water organises the molecules of information in our bodies to flow more, as we cleanse, clean and wash all of the physical world around us and through us, to become sparkly and available to the flow of life… This day we organise for balance in our physical bodies by going with the flow, all can flow beautifully, as sensitivity to all that inhibits flow encourages us to choose to simply and purely ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’…

Be aware of creating boundaries because of the sensitive nature of the day… Open yourself to the flow and if a situation does not feel very good for you, just flow right out of there, and you will not have to create a shell of protection, just keep flowing…

Pre-dawn brings a need for physical closeness to loved ones, cuddling with beloveds, merging as one physical flowing organism, this may enter our dreams or our physical beds if there is a beloved close by…

This morning swimming, bathing, cleansing, juicing – all the things that purify and cleanse to allow balance and the flow of greater physical purity… Not a great time to indulge in anything that could activate allergies of any kind… Be kind to your body and send purifying prayers to the waters of our planet…

This afternoon big energy is transforming and catalysing change in our physical environs, storms and strong weather can catalyse a purification of the molecules in the air, bringing yet more balance and pure spark to our worlds…

This evening we integrate the wisdom of past choosing, looking to the choices made by indigenous tribes that support survival for future generations… Focusing our energies on what harmonises the greatest life force…

Blessed be dear hearts and enjoy initiating flow in your ife today…


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