Today is the 5th day in the run of 10 GAP days, and so the energy is building again… It feels there is little reprieve from the intensity of life these last 3 wavespells… The times are hotting up as we reach to the end of the 13 Moon year on the Day Out of Time (July 25) and the beginning of the New Year and New Time in 21 days from now… Also on July 29 we have a Grand Sextile astrologically and some say this is the time we have all been waiting for, you can see a transmission of this energy through Randy Bruner here

Today we are inspired to communicate from the heart, to sing in devotion to spirit, to reach out to others in inclusion of all they are and all that we ourselves are, as the awareness of our highest potential grows, inspired to leave no-one behind… We are open to connecting with others, allowing spirit to guide us in the connecting web of co-creativity… A wonderful day of family and love, resonating to the tune of spirit… Channeling spirits messages through us as they meet heart to heart with those around us…

Pre-dawn our dreaming is fluid, watery as we flow with the responses, taking care to share abundance with all beings…

This morning an attunement to spirit inspires to face fears and receive even more deeply spirits mission for us… Communications are at a height…

This afternoon we choose solely for ourselves, inspired to shine the light on ancient wisdoms, and ancestral paths of earth connection that are inspired by deep shamanic receptivity to all realms…

This evening we are guided by our intuition to play and create, bringing a deep joy in uncovering all that would limit our survival… Pushing the edges of any attachment to the illusions that are revealed there…

So blessed be dear ones and feel the love, communicate and breathe it, while allowing the bubbles of inspiration to rise….

One love, one heart family, one New Time!!!


One Response

  1. Hey thanks for the wonderful interpretation of the daily kin and the link to July 29th info – Utterly AweSome

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