Happy Galactic Spin Lemaya!!!
Today we join with others to shine the light on the beauty of the communicating creatively with the mind that naturally aligns with the harmonic matrix… Simply put – to be in community where all are thinking positive thoughts which allow the geometries to connect and the light to spark the nodal points of our collective creativity…
Predawn we are guided by our dreams to cast magical spells that bring common unity, community, where every word/spell we utter is known to further the creation of abundance for all beings as we shine our lights brilliantly… In the spirit of trust, play and pushing the boundaries of the old, we uncover the learning of allowing imperfection in the name of growth and evolution…
From sunrise our illumined intelligence chooses to connect with others as we flow with the day… We choos to think outside the box in order to share deeper wisdom, accessed directly from pure consciousness, beyond the overlay of conditioning that would seek to keep us blind…
From noon we reflect on the truth that is guided by the heart, to reveal what is aligned and what must be cut away, to allow the perfect geometry of healing… Co-operating with others by reflecting those thought forms that bring the clarity to merge in community, with co-operation in all that we accomplish collectively…
This evening we are challenged to explore the ancient wisdom ways by following instinct and exploring other cultures, revealing ever more efficient ways to open to the vitality of our life force as connect deeper and deeper into the Earth…
So a beautiful day to join with others and create the most harmonic communities based on Art, Earth and Heart… Blessed be…