quan yinWelcome to the White Dog wavespell/13-day cycle, where the feminine aspect of God, the capacity to merge, to feel the oneness with the full web of life is experienced… To look to connect with all of life, in pure devotion to the Universal Family of consciousness… We have now entered the New Time on July 26, the Yellow Galactic Seed day, inaugurating a time where all that we are is shifting at a vast rate from the inside out… It becomes no longer possible to do the stuff to the earth or each other that does not fulfill our destiny of awakening… In this cycle we come to understand how we are all connected in the divine harmonic geometrical web of life… Each one receptive to every other one… A cycle of love and the deep-end-dance of merging with the all of consciousness…

The keywords for the Dog are love, loyalty and heart… we have this doubled today, coupled with the keywords for the Magnetic tone of unify, attract and purpose… We find that today we may experience unification with the heart, attracting love, allowing a purpose of loyalty, or any other mix of those words that may come to you, until you feel a pulse inside that resonates… This is the key with the Mayan Dreamspell, we are not looking to make sense with the mind, more to feel the sensitivity of the spirit, to feel the kerplunk, when the words hit the nervous system with a knowing of the reality of what is being shared, a channeling from the divine, with the words that ultimately are born of the divine to reflect upon a pulse of energy experienced… In this way this practice aligns us with the Universal Truths that we are all engaged with daily…

So today is the beginning of the 13 days of love, loyalty and heart… how glorious… Spiritual family to the fore… With this love operating primarily on the spiritual plane, it also represents devotion and unconditional love, not as we mostly think of love, the love of one other in the physical plane, but more unconditional love that bridges all dimensions, the loyalty to  and as love itself … The ultimate feminine aspect of God/Dog… to allow all to merge with oneself – the e-merge-ncy of our times… to release all boundaries that would choose to see anything as separate from self…

Predawn we attract purity, purification and sensitivity to the flow of the spiritual realms, allowing our antennae to be filaments from spirit to attract love, pure mergence with the divine… To unify with pure consciousness, flowing, pure and unencumbered…

From sunrise we attract a sense of connectedness of merging with all things, of pure devotion… Of ourselves as the great void that embraces all in the divine darkness of the Mothers Womb… The heart of the web that weaves its sensitive tendrils, allowing the weft of love to encompass all in its flow…

From noon we attract light, as we centre into the light of our own beings… The in-deep-end-dance of loving self, in order to radiate the light that we are…

From sunset we are present with the gift of magical vision, trusting the bigger picture that has been revealed today of the connectedness of all in the web of connected consciousness… All consciousness in a state of change with the capacity to trust oneself as a player being played in the grand scheme of consciousness evolving itself…

Blessed be dear hearts and enjoy abiding in the heart of all things that sources in the heart of your own being…


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