Bernart Amygdalah Digital-Art

Today is the second day of the Wind wavespell of channeling spirit… The 2nd day always faces the challenge of anchoring the energy that is magnetised on the first day of the wavespell… Today we anchor deeply into the unconscious dream of our planets contract, ‘abundance for all beings’ and envision a world where this is respected… Doing this we anchor our connection with spirit and pay heed to the messages that come to us of seeing the abundance and giving gratitude for all we receive… A day where taking physical space anchors our connection with spirit…

This exists as the foundation of all of consciousness in our dreaming… A dedication to the beauty of nature, as we anchor by envisioning the most fearless beauty imaginable… We face fear of the dark by being guided deeper into the place where natural harmony is the foundation of all of life…

This morning, we may need the space to truly anchor in and allow ourselves to envision what we must do towards grounding our receptivity to spirit…

This evening we may gather in community to reflect the truth of our hearts with those that are close to us… An evening to reflect upon the truth, wielding the sword that cuts away all judgement that would seek to separate, merging in a heartfelt crystalline clarity that heals all….his afternoon we may be guided to go out and explore… We may be challenged to make wise choices as we are guided by our instincts into intense realities… Here we may ground ourselves through calling on ancient wisdom of the ancestors to guide us through…
O YUM HUNAB KU EVA MAYA E MA HO!So beloveds enjoy the abundant vision available in our collective unconscious that sees what it takes to anchor spirit into our lives more truly… To take time and space for self in the morning and in the afternoon explore our vitality… In the evening gathering with others to share truth, love and healing… blessed day

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