Become_a_Galactic_Human.230140421_stdToday is the 5th day of the Wind wavespell where we opening to allow spirit to flow through us…

Today we find the power of surrender, becoming receptive, opening as a portal to other worlds and dimensions… To be a bridge to the spirit realm, empowered by anchoring deeply, the more we let go, the more deeply anchored we become… As the native americans would say ‘It is a good day to die’… To allow all that we are to surrender deeper and deeper, creating a vortex that invites and receives spirit to channel through us… The more we let go of what no longer serves us, the greater the space for that which does… Allowing a radiant space of timeless enchantment, where there is divine command that calls new opportunities through communication with many realms…

Predawn the fire of birthing the new empowers our dreamtime… A powerful expansion that births pure consciousness, awakening us within the dream… The waking dream guided by our sensitive responses to outer stimuli that encourages a fluid state of being, as we explore the flow of space…

This morning spirit guides us to anchor a deep receptivity through the breath, empowering our capacity for unconditional love… Inclusion of all through centering in the breath, and a deep still timelessness that radiates from the heart, love and inclusivity, that spirit may command and communicate the depth of love that is our being, and weaves the web of life, connecting all that is…

This afternoon we are powerfully called to focus on the growth of awareness… To powerfully question everything that would hamper that growth, with the intelligence born of our own experience and our connection with ancient ancestral wisdom… We radiate fearlessness and grow with that wisdom towards the highest potential, to create a world that is safe for our childrens, children for 7 generations and beyond… To radiate a fearless command that comes from honouring of all that has been, with the power of our intelligence we question what is needed in order to reach to the New Time… The powerful warrior that will leave no stone unturned in its focus as it moves towards a more intelligent future…

This evening creative magic pulses with vision, vision that helps to realise that healing is just our capacity to use our imaginations to see healing occur, and set the intention for that to be… All accomplishment is realised by trusting in our ability to allow the creative mind to see and set the intention for magic to happen, and so it does…

So beloveds a divine and powerful day of spirit channeling through the open portal that allows doorways to open and connections to be made on many dimensions… A powerful day to let go and surrender as spiritual shamans, open and receptive to the infinite opportunities that arrive through our own receptivity married with the courage to command fearlessly the support needed to see a future where all is healed… Knowing ourselves as the co-creators with spirit, as we use our intelligence to ask the most powerful questions and then surrender and be open for the infinite opportunities for those questions can be answered, trusting in spirit to gift us with the most divine creations possible…

Enjoy this day beloveds and call on the power of spirit, question and surrender… In lak’ech – all is one, we are each other, with spirit connected in this divine web of eternal creation… Let us get creative and intelligent with being co-creators in this divine design…


One Response

  1. Thank you for this inspiring post Vasumi 🙂 as the wind is blowing very strongly, helping clearing and surrendering 😉 Love Always, xx Chloe

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