I Harmonize in order to Communicate 
Modelling Breath 
I seal the Input of Spirit 
With the Galactic tone of Integrity 
I am guided by the power of Death

So beloveds today is the 8th day of the Eagle cycle of Vision… Today we find integraty through surrendering our minds to channel the messages of Spirit… Allowing all to breath through, bridging worlds, allow thought forms to arrive… Our capacity for telepathy is strong today, and we may find ourselves speaking others thoughts, as one mind, with telepathy alive and well…

Predawn a deep and responsive listening enters our dreaming, as we hear messages that reveal the connectedness of  all things… Birthing an awareness of timing in regards to the cycles that integrate synchronicity… To hear and respond in perfect timing supports Spirit to channel through us…

This morning we integrate change through surrendering our mind into the heart… Kundalini Yoga this morning was a wonderful practise as it is a strong call to surrender the mind and allow it to open to the love that transforms the whole system... Also a great morning to connect with others, to network and be drawn by the compassionate mind to walk through doorways into new ways that carry loving non-judgement…

This afternoon we integrate our choices by choosing to intelligently face the fears that would weaken our life force, in this way  carrying greater influence forward in our lives…

SednaThis evening we come to the eye of the storm, here in the north of NZ there has been strong winds blowing for a few days… The stillness at the centre of the storm that brings a welcome depth of silence and anchoring in amongst the storm catalysing change and blowing away all that is not needed… An energised evening that brings balance…

Blessed be dear ones enjoy the winds of change, and may we surrender to Spirit and allow messages to channel through that connect people and allow greater vision…


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