dragon goddess-earth-motherGood morning beloveds…

So after being a little ahead of it all,  the last couple of days (thanks to all that informed me), today I am back to celebrate the beginning of a new Tzolkin Spin… The first day of a new 260-day cycle that augurs new birth… Today we magnetise the new to us and prepare to midwife new consciousness with this current 4th square  of 7, between Uranus – the revolutionary, and Pluto – the catalyst for change… This cycle signifying that Pluto in Capricorn is putting the bomb under all of the old that is held within the Patriarchy, as the people learn to take on leadership with Uranus in Aries… The people learn that they can no longer be with their head in the sand and trust that big daddy will look after them… No they must join the r-Evolution and birth the new, as it is up to the people, all of us, to truly bEarth the new here, in alignment with the natural cycles that reveal the ‘way’…

Dragon Nammu_by_savageworldsSo beloveds today we usher in the new and become ready to follow our own responses, and honour ourselves as the ones to birth the new, to take on the responsibilities for all that must occur… In fact, there is no-one else…

So here we are ready to be in the birthing canal and to surrender to the natural flow of our physical bodies, that allow birth to happen through us, as we respond in each moment to whatever calls us to care, nurture and respond wholly and fully to birthing the new…

We are supported in this today by a sense of rightness, entering our predawn dreaming, a sense of being in a never-ending tunnel that is reflecting the right turns every step of the way, as we place ourselves in the front line of our lives to respond to whatever consciousness brings our way…

This morning, our responses will reveal our actions, as we are ignited with a sense of nurturing all that wants to be birthed into our world anew… A sense of being with all that has been created and nurturing it into a more full birthing….

001 colourThis afternoon a sense of trusting may be birthed through us, as we look to enjoy the magic that comes when we trust that all is in perfect order, especially as we see it reflected through the children…

This evening we tap into the illuminated light that beckons us towards seeding the new time… The pure presence of the light that we are growing into, as we focus our collective intent towards collective enlightenment…

So beloveds let us celebrate the conception of a new cycle of birthing, a cycle of 260 days from conception to birth, as we enter the new birth canal of this next cycle… Let us honour the mother and know that all is birthed of the feminine, ignited by the spark of the masculine, and in this honour all of life… Allowing the feminine / masculine balance to birth the new in love, honour and respect… blessed be!


5 Responses

    1. Hi Meaghan… thanks for words and happy that you ‘received’ this… i checked your wonderful site and would love to exchange sessions if you are up for it… you can check my sessions on my site here… sending love and resonance… bless Vasumi

  1. Thanks darling. I actually enjoyed your merc retro time slipstream. All in perfection. Love you this Beltane eve. X

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