Good morning planetary people…

Today is the 10th day of both the Dragon 13-day wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin… Welcome to the day of love, where birth is is made manifest and there may be gatherings with family, with loved ones, with those that are close to our hearts, those that we can be most ourselves with, honest, direct and raw…

Pre-dawn the themes for the dreamtime are purification of the Earth, of our physical forms, of the bloodlines, of the waters in order to manifest more light into our consciousness… A very watery and fluid consciousness emerging that purifies and produces a more enlightened consciousness…

This morning is the perfecting of a form that reflects the pure flow of consciousness, where there is an openness that bridges all worlds… Perhaps being in a temple that is non-denominational… Observe your world and you may find this openness reflected that allows a purity that guides you to cross bridges and initiate yourselves into worlds you have not connected with before…

This afternoon the Sun calls us out into nature to experience the magic that shines through its variable harmonic forms… Keep an eye out for the devas and elementals that call to the beauty of the Sun and honour its light as it reflects their own… Here we manifest the capacity to shine the light on our creativity, perfecting that creativity by allowing the greatest light to shine through…

This evening we are guided to trust the knowledge that emerges through the harmonic matrix, whether through the patterns revealed through this matrix of the Tzolkin of the Mayan Dreamspell, or the patterns of nature that reveal their stories… The more we are led to trust the knowledge that comes to us innocently and magically, the greater our capacity to allow that knowledge to heal our minds, and the conditioning of a disharmonic system based in the old paradigm… Systems of nature reveal the greatest knowledge, from micro to macro…

Blessed be dear hearts enjoy the love today, connecting and bonding and being there for each other, as we perfect the form that birth takes, the love that is crystal clear and guided by truth… Again blessed be…


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