Good Morning beloved Kin…

Welcome to a new 13-day wave spell, the weave-spell of the Wizard, where we set the spell for deep receptivity, to anchor portals of connection to many dimensions… The Shamanic cycle of timeless enchantment, open to infinite potentials and possibilities attracted to us through pure and open receptivity…

Predawn the serpent may enter our dreaming, attracting strong life force and energy to launch into our days…

This morning a sense of deep reception to all may be with us, as the Wizard anchors into the Earth deeply, in order to open and receive all that consciousness wants to gift us…

014 colourThis afternoon we may focus on co-creating with others, as we look to what may seed and grow in the coming cycle, from a deep place of reception…

This evening we may be shown that as we witness, so can healing occur… We are guided to trust that healing will occur, as we SEE the bigger picture and know our place within it, and are able to see the distortions… Here we know that action towards a greater vision and path of joy, is indeed the path to healing…

So beloveds another beautiful day gifted to us by the divine design, such gratitude for this grand harmonic order… Allow the deepening into the shamanic enchantment of opening to receive, set your altars in order, prepare for ceremony where we welcome this grand design to reveal its mysteries and magic to us…



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