Good Morning planetary Kin…

So the beginning of a new 13-day cycle, the cycle of the Hand… The Blue Hand, Manik in Yucatec Maya, represents healing, knowledge and accomplishment… We could look at those energies as leading from one to the other – as we heal, we gain knowledge that leads to accomplishment…

I always feel the Hand akin to the Hare in the tale of the Turtle and Hare… The Turtle represents the Hands polarity (+10 of 20 glyphs) Red Earth, the Hare representing the Blue Hand – a very busy fellow, looking down every avenue and getting lost and yet moving so quickly that he is immediately found again and finds startling knowledge along the way… Arriving directly after the Worldbridger, one could see the Hand bridging into so many different worlds, that he learns so much, even though in the moment he has no idea how to implement what he learns, in the long run it is ‘grease for the mill’ that comes in handy at some turn of the road… So the tale goes that the Hare moves so quickly and the Turtle moves so slowly, considering each step, waiting and listening for the perfect signs and synchronicities in which to take the next sure step in its path… And both the Hare and the Turtle arrive at the finish line in the same moment… Here we learn the balance of patience and listening, and launching in and going for it…

We are supported on this Blue Magnetic Hand day by an honouring of deep wisdom, to honour the ancients and those that live close to the Earth to receive her wisdom, for carrying forward the wisdom for us to learn from and to receive the knowledge held so carefully for us as the future generations… May we vow also to carry the deep wisdom forward and offer it to those that come after us…

And so as we enter this cycle, perhaps we may expect a time of busyness, of healing and of a willingness to gather knowledge… A desire to accomplish, and yet as with many years of studying and witnessing this energy, those that are born on Blue Hand days appear to accomplish so much, compared to the rest of us and yet never see themselves as accomplished as they are always focused on what else there is to do and accomplish, it is a very interesting energy…

And so it is with a deep in-breath we embark on this cycle to witness what it reveals to us in its most current r-evolution… Each 260 days as the same signature arrives, we can be open to how this energy will do us in its current most evolved form, so we are ever open and receptive as we have become through the Wizard cycle, to how we will be done in this new and most current now so far… Blessed be the journey!

This morning we look to magnetise the knowledge that brings healing to our lives, and the lives of those around us…

This afternoon we may listen for the deeper messages that come to us through the Earth and her greater cycles… Revealing the paths less travelled that ensure taking the right step, as the Turtle, with infinite patience waiting as the world turns, for the right step to take us forward with little fuss, stress or fight…

This evening we are gifted a receptive presence, timeless and endless to the gifts of spirit channeling through us, as portals to the divine…

So beloveds a divine new beginning to the journey of healing, knowledge and accomplishment, make the most of a gentle beginning… Blessed be


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