Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Today is dedicated to my dear friend Malaika Vera, a White SelfExisting Dog… Today is the 4th day of the Hand wavespell of healing and accomplishment… Interesting that these energies go hand in hand… Perhaps true accomplishment is geared towards healing, or healing allows true accomplishment? This quest-i-on is one that may be answered through this cycle… We shall see…

So today works primarily on the mental plane, and with the love of the Dog, it brings that love into a state of compassion… So today we define healing as the capacity to surrender the mind to love, to have compassion for ourselves and others… To build bridges from the mind to the heart, in order to feel with the mind and think with the heart…

We are supported in this today by instinctive mind, and its capacity to flow with the pure consciousness of the collective, where new thought forms are being woven within the collective one mind… Allowing purification of the mind, so that we can be available for new impulses flowing through our consciousness, the up-to-the-moment advances in evolutionary galactivation, connected to the latest trends of whatever avenues we open our interest to… Supporting us to build bridges to self love, action and accomplishment…

This morning we may surrender our mind to spirit, and allow messages to come from a place of deep in-tuition…

This afternoon we may seek to define evolution as our capacity to question inherited thought forms, which do not encourage an independent sovereign state of mind, free to shine with illumined intelligence…

This evening we are gifted spirits perfected play, that pushes the boundaries and trusts the magical transformation that comes through the childlike innocence of joy and creativity…

So beloveds another big day on our planet, as we surrender to the compassion of understanding that comes through knowing ourselves as part of the collective healing that we are all experiencing together as one mind… Blessed be


3 Responses

  1. Great gratitude have I for you, Vasumi, and for the message you have written on this day of gathering, and the giving of thanks. I am inspired to surrender, allow, and act in ways that evolve myself, my community, and my global co~hearts, including my more than human families. Thank you. <3

  2. Today’s Birthday of one of greatest lyricist and enlightened musician. Michael Larsen known as Eyedea, touches deep inside.. Blessed being.

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