Dear Kin…

Today is the 6th day of the Hand wave spell of healing and accomplishment… Today we find balance through honouring the wisdom of the elders, as we are encouraged to make wise choices… Yesterday encouraged us to trust the chaos as we pushed the boundaries, today we are asked to make wise choices that organise our experiences into balance…

We are supported today by being active, organising our lives for equality… A hands-on approach is what brings balance today… A great day to give or receive massage that assists our bodies wisdom to come into alignment…

This morning we are faced with the choices that organise our physical realities for balance…

This afternoon is a good time to breathe… Allowing conscious breathing to align our beings, as we listen to the rhythym of spirit/consciousness moving in and out of our bodies…

This evening we integrate the day, by allowing the expansion of our minds to flow into pure mind, accessing the consciousness beyond conditioned thinking, serving to purify our minds and receive spirit messages that bring alignment to our experiences…

So beloveds a good physical hands-on day, a great day to connect with plant wisdom to bring balance to our systems, and to allow the mind to purify and make wise choices… Blessed be…



One Response

  1. there are tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat…i am at a loss to express the gratitude i feel reading your posts…we live an amazing and blessed time -thank you Vasumi for sharing xo

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