Good morning planetary kin…

Today is the 7th day of the Hand wavespell of healing… A day where we may be inspired to express passionately… Where we explore raw instinctive expression… The healing process encourages energy to be expressed, rather than repressed, better out than in, nothing held back…

We are supported today by not attaching to anything that gets spoken or expressed, but merely to be a clear mirror reflecting a place of surrender, nothing to protect or prove… Allowing all to be expressed and in this finding inspiration in this movement of energy…

This morning passionate expression inspires as we listen for the perfect timing, in response to the signs that reveal the right time to share… We may feel raw and inspired and ALIVE…

This afternoon we may feel to go deeply within and sit back to witness and see the bigger picture of what is occurring around and through us, as we access the unconscious and are inspired to touch on energies that are emerging from deep within… Inspired by the visions of abundance that reveal our earth walk, as we allow intuition to channel up through us and reveal our next steps…

This evening we are inspired by the beauty that shines through, after a full day of expressing from a most primal place inside… We are inspired to see that in the base nature of consciousness lies the beauty of the divine design… True harmony is felt and inspires us to flower into shining the light that we are …

Blessed be dear hearts, enjoy this day of inspiring expression…



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