Dear friends, welcome to the Eagle wavespell…
13 days of Visioning… 13 days to find new solutions to the old problems… Already I have seen essential oils that can be used instead of plastics… and as we know there are so many solutions to so many of the planets problems all waiting and raring to go… So let us use this cycle to envision the cartel surrendering to the divine intelligence and the solutions that are available being supported to be used for the sake of the planet, and abundance of all kinds for ALL beings…
The vision of my the 13 Moon Synchronometer I have worked on for the past few months, being in your hands is one that I am holding right now… The cover art is by Android Jones and is perfect for the Red Solar Moon year… So any that would like to order, simply email me at with your address and how many journals you would like, there is a wholesale price for more than 10, and I can send you the payment details… and on to this cycle…
Blue Magnetic Eagle, Sunday 22 June – Today we have attracted a sense of the bigger picture… Our conversations may have had that ring to it…
Yellow Lunar Warrior, Monday 23 June – Today we face the challenge to ground the bigger picture by getting focused on the mission at hand… Guided by our creativity to let go of fears of moving forward and stepping up to tackle any constraints to our creativity…
Red Electric Earth, Tuesday 24 June – Today we may listen deeply and respond in a nurturing manner to the synchronicities that birth a deep caring for the Earth… Activating a greater vision of the connection of all beings, and feeling the evolutionary cycles that keep birthing anew through the creative mind…
White SelfExisting Mirror, Wednesday 25 June – Today we begin to define the form that the greater vision will take… A form that reflects and is receptive to the divine order, or the deeper truths that are anchored in sacred pattern… We are able to reflect upon the realities of what is and be open to receive and anchor higher and more refined solutions inter-dimensionally…
Blue Overtone Storm, Thursday 26 June – Today change is the name of the game, as we are empowered to accomplish and allow the next level of anything that is denied to be witnessed and transformed to bring a greater radiance and command to our beings… Healing guides us to accomplish and command change.. A big energy day.
Yellow Rhythmic Sun, Friday 27 June – Today we organise the resources needed to prepare for manifesting the greater vision… We find ourselves physically independent and it is a great day to spend in the SUN… receiving those wonderful B vitamins that are so necessary to keep the shine in our bodies… A great day to find balance by moving independently…
Red Resonant Dragon, Saturday 28 June – Today we may be inspired by exploring what it is to respond to outer stimuli… What resonates and encourages our capacity to respond and nurture… Allowing ourselves to feel and birth new energy that is more expanded, awake and allows the channeling in of new energy…
White Galactic Wind, Sunday 29 June – Today we integrate new and creative vision through surrendering the mind to receive and channel spirits messages that bridge worlds… Opening doors of opportunity as communication with worlds other than what we are used to, invites greater ways of seeing things, opening our minds to the diversity that is needed to seek the solutions to age-old problems…
Blue Solar Night, Monday 30 June – Today with the build up of the past 8 days, we are guided to transform anything that is holding us back from allowing abundance in our lives… Abundance on all levels… Bringing energy into our deep intuitive dreaming, and allowing that dreaming to transform is the trick to galactivating the creative mind headed for solutions…
Yellow Planetary Seed, Tuesday 1 July – Today the greater picture is made manifest through choosing to co-create and lay the seeds of a much greater potential that is coming… The first steps are the deepest with the strongest intent laid… Here we perfect the greater vision with manifest co-creative intention… Plant the seeds and watch them grow!
Red Spectral Serpent, Wednesday 2 July – Ok let go of the big picture today and be immersed fully in the energy of here and now and adrenalin running… The Now-Here of this moment calls us to let go of any extra energy built over the past 10 days… Serpent energy rises into an intense release…
White Crystal Worldbridger, Thursday 3 July – Letting go and letting god/dess as we connect and align in the truth of the here now.. Bridging worlds that hold opportunities for communities based in the truth of clear reflections…
Blue Cosmic Hand, Friday 4 July – Today we learn to trust that healing is happening and we are alive and well, as we play as children and allow healing presence to simply bring a sense of deep magic that IS the pure presence of vision… Play and heal and accomplish leads to the very presence of the most creative visioning…
But it says on my calendar solar white dog?
Which calendar is that Kate? A little more info in order to reply… And there are a few different counts, all are relevant, just different portals for consciousness to supply messages of awakening… Letting go of the right/wrong of old paradigm programming… All co-exists! In lak’ech V
a special day for us all xxxxxWonderfull download on our RED Electric Earth day my solar birth today..YIPEEXX
Happy Solar Spin beauty… oh what a wonderful year you will have, as always!!!!
Dear Vasumi, This is the last posting I have received.i don’t see current posting on your website. Are you on vacation? I miss your elegant guidance. In beauty, Kassie blue resonant monkey
Hi Kassie…
Yes I have been traveling and now in the States and somehow the posts have slipped by and I have missed the last two wavespells… And now with your prompting, I will attempt to get to this Hand wavespell today… Thankyou for your message and comments… BlesSings… xxx Kin 71