Hi there beautiful people and welcome to the cycle of Univsersal LOVE… This is about you as Love, not so much looking for personal love in other, but the Love that we are deep inside… Like Grandmother Spider weaving the web of Kin or Love across the universe… All as love and who we are when we are open and receptive to all, the shadow and the light, LOVE as the darkness, the womb of consciousness where all is included…

1 MAGNETIC attracting – DOG love, loyalty, heart

2 LUNAR anchoring – MONKEY magic, trust, innocense

3 ELECTRIC activating – HUMAN wisdom, free will,

4 SELFEXISTING defining – SKYWALKER awakening, exploration, expansion

5 OVERTONE empowering – WIZARD receptive, anchoring, timeless

6 RHYTHMIC organising – EAGLE vision, creative mind,

7 RESONANT inspiring – WARRIOR fearless, questioning, intelligence

8 GALACTIC integrating – EARTH navigating, synchronicity, evolution

9 SOLAR realising – MIRROR reflecting, truth, endless order

10 PLANETARY manifesting – STORM transforming, catalysing, energy

11 SPECTRAL liberating – SUN universal fire, source, enlightenment

12 CRYSTAL co-operating – DRAGON nurturing, birthing, being

13 COSMIC presence – WIND channeling, communicating,


And so to the story of LOVE, Grandmother Spider weaving the web of connectivity, LOVE tendrils which reach out to encase the whole universe…

1 Dog self-guided… This is the story of LOVE, family, connectedness… Each one as the heart of Unconditional Love, attracting and receiving all… There is a young girl who sought to understand herself as connected to all things… Because of this she opened to all of lifes experiences, attracting and noticing those that activated her heart and a deep sense of compassion for all things and allowed these connections to be magnified in her being…

2 Monkey guided by Night… Through being connected, she found herself guided to dive deep into all that was hidden in the unconscious realms… She had a deep intuitive connection to the dreamtime, to the sense of abundance that is present in all things, and this guided her to push the boundaries when she felt people programmed to lack… So she joyfully played with the hidden realms, the elemental beings that know the law of abundance for all beings… And she spent her days embodied within the magic of the hidden realms of our physical reality…

3 Human guided by Warrior… Thru pushing the boundaries, she was then guided to look fear in the face and question all that was around her in the culture she was born into… She gained deep wisdom through this questioning and could feel what was truly serving and what was not… And this assisted her to independently choose to feel connected in LOVE, and feel the activation of energy in her body when she chose to act fearlessly from this place… She focused on the influence her own feelings had on others when she chose LOVE, and the wisdom revealed in those choices, encouraging her to fearlessly choose LOVE and creating connection again and again… In this way her emotional intelligence grew and she came to know that she could influence others to choose LOVE and in turn be grateful for the gift of free will…

4 Skywalker guided by Moon… Through her questioning she became aware of the flow of pure consciousness residing beyond inherited conditioning, and she delighted in exploring and expanding her mind with the pure brilliance that was revealed… She began to understand how all is connected, and as she opened her sensitivity to the spaciousness of pure mind, she awoke to the space needed within the connections made, to allow the ignition of LOVE to be measured…

5 Wizard guided by Wind… She found LOVE becoming anchored and empowered through receiving Spirit guidance… So she listened and became more and more radiant as a messenger of all that she received… She become devoted to sharing messages of Spirit when they came, and so was opened to multidimensional worlds… Spirit sought her out to anchor messages that empowered herself and others and her command within those timeless realms grew, with the receptive portal becoming more anchored in her being, with LOVE radiating out…

6 Eagle self-guided… She found the need to go to places where she could see for a long way, up mountains and at the beach, to get a broader picture… Needing space to be al-one and allow her heart to feel the connectedness of all, beyond personality… Here she would receive visions and become creative in seeing the ways to bring change, that would enable others to also allow them-cell-ves to be connected as LOVE, as was the whole Earth that she could see from those high and spacious places… Creative visions of what the physical world could be when all es connected, gave her inklings of how to bring that to her fellow wo/man…

Singing Alive - William Leverette7 Warrior guided by Star… She became super inspired to focus on creating beauty, just as she saw was being created in the natural Earth, questioning her capacity to bio-mimic and channel the beauty that she saw around her in nature… She questioned her connection to the elegant beauty of nature and again her emotional intelligence encouraged her to create in resonance with the harmony of the geometry of nature… She focused on becoming a pure channel of natures elegant design, creating beyond fear, attuned to LOVE as the thread that connects and creates fearlessly with all that is… In this she loved to play music, paint and dance the beauty that she allowed to channel through her…

8 Earth guided by Dragon… LOVE became integrated as new consciousness birthed through her, as she responded to the synchronicities that began to fill her life, when she slowed down to listen… She found that by listening deeply she modelled LOVE by responding in right timing, with nurturing, caring, and a listening ear that allowed herself and others to feel deeply connected and loved… As she listened she could understand the patterns that had evolved over long eons of Time, and offer messages for evolving those patterns towards birthing new consciousness, deeply embedded in LOVE… So she listened more deeply for how to integrate LOVE through allowing new information to bEarth that would evolve the capacity to harmonise with all…

9 Mirror guided by Wizard… The light bulb went on as she realised LOVE as a deep receptivity to anchoring truth, reflecting truly the endless quality of LOVE that knows no bounds within time, open to receiving the truth from all dimensions… Setting the intention to anchor and reflect LOVE as the real truth of all received…

10 Storm guided by the Hand… Here LOVE became fully embodied as she perfected her accomplishments to bring a lot of energy that produced strong transformation… Her hands guided her knowledge of the physical reality to be a catalyst for healing, placing them on the bodies of those that were ready to receive the energy LOVE for deep change… The knowing of  connectedness to all, brought vast amounts of energy, transmitted as LOVE… Here LOVE was made manifest in the physical reality through bringing so much energy that change was inevitable…

11 Sun self-guided… Here LOVE liberated as pure light manifested and released through her as she came back to herself, shining brightly… She found her sovereignty thru dissolving LOVE as  enlightened life, a brilliant spark of light in the interdependent web of LOVE…

12 Dragon guided by Skywalker… She emerged from deep connection with herself with no agenda other than to co-operate with others thru expressing caring for the community, the response-ability for expressing LOVE enabled her to weave and birth a loving web of common-unity… She found a deep dedication to universalising mind to expand and birth new consciousness, where awakening to the need for responsibility for each other through nurturing and caring as the glue to create community… No agenda other than exploring what it was to nurture and birth the collective Universal mind…

13 Wind guided by Worldbridger… In this the presence of sound endured as the key to opening the door to new worlds, embracing new ways of being, enduring in LOVE… A deep surrender in pure devotion to being a doorway to Spirit… The presence of surrender to Spirit as the  connection to the Spirit of all of life, in the Spirit of Universal LOVE…

And so beLOVEDs was the journey of the girl that learned to know herself as LOVE and embraced her capacity to weave the web of Unconditional Love, receiving all and being a bridge back to self-love for all that she met on her path… May we walk in her shoes and learn to re-member our-cell-ves as LOVE…



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