Hola beautiful people and welcome to the Eagle Wavespell of vision and far-reaching insight, bringing highly creative ideas for healing our planet…

Please be aware that here we are reading and intuiting codes, so if this information is not following a linear, logical mind set alone, then opt for allowing your intuitive, feeling, creative mind to also follow the patterns herein, and be surprised by illuminating revelations…

So saying, let us enter on the journey…

1 MAGNETIC Attraction – EAGLE, Create, Mind, Vision,

2 LUNAR Stabilisation – WARRIOR, Fearless, Questioning, Intelligence

3 ELECTRIC Activation – EARTH, Navigating, Synchronic, Evolution

4 SELFEXISTING Definition – MIRROR, Reflecting, Endless, Order

5 OVERTONE Empowering – STORM, Catalysing, Transformative, Energy

6 RHYTHMIC Balancing – SUN, Enlightening, Life, Universal Fire

7 RESONANT Inspiring – DRAGON, Nurturing, Birth, Being

8 GALACTIC Integrating – WIND, Communicating, Breath, Spirit

9 SOLAR Realising – NIGHT, Dreaming, Intuition, Abundance

10 PLANETARY Manifesting – SEED, Target, Awareness, Flowering

11 SPECTRAL Releasing – SERPENT, Survive, Instinct, Life Force

12 CRYSTAL Co-operating – WORLDBRIDGER, Surrender, Opportunity, Death

13 COSMIC Transcendance – HAND, Know, Healing, Accomplishment
1 There was once a child born with eyes that seemed to see right thru you… Eyes that came from far back inside, that looked from a place that was not here now, immediate, but seemed to take in all of time… Visionary eyes that told a million stories in one gaze… For those of you who have seen the movie ‘I Origins’ you will know what I mean… Seems to have already been the movie of the moment in this Eagle Wavespell…

2 This child liked to push herself and go on journeys into nature, which would fill her with questions as to the creation of such beauty and harmony in nature…

3 She would become activated by feeling a deep sense of response-ability as part of the evolving forces of creation… She could feel the elements of nature talking to her and sharing messages of birthing itself anew, the evolution of Life itself, stretching back thru time…

4 She began to understand the order of life, the patterns inherent, shown to her through her open and receptive mind… Receiving truths that reflected the endless order of life…

5 With knowledge of this order, she came to feel comfortable in the ever-changing matrix of life… Sacred power began to radiate through her, as she came to know what it was to be a catalyst for change… Guided by ‘the knowing’ of what was needed to heal, the divine design of consciousness living itself was answered…

6 This brought a deep sense of independence to how she lived her life in the 3rd-dimensional physical world… She became sovereign, looking after her needs so that she could move freely beyond the bounds of societal structures, in them but not of them… Forging her own game, independently…

7 She became inspired by exploring what it was to assist others and herself to awaken and express more fully… Allowing a deeper sense of caring and responsibility, to live a more full expression of life channeling through, inspiring others in the same…

8 In this she came to connect with people from many worlds and ways, integrating a greater vision through communicating the variety of ideas and concepts that came her way…

9 She realised that sharing these ideas, allowed a deep transformation of any stories of lack that she or others held… Within seeing this greater vision of life, the realisation of ‘abundance for all beings’ came to her… That when we accepted our differences, without the need to make difference ‘wrong’, we created a more abundant vision, where all the gifts of all the people were allowed and celebrated…

10 Many of influence were drawn to her wisdom, and together they manifested the greatest potentials they could envision… Coming together they sought the past wisdom of ancient cultures and re-membered that nature and the plants were our planets greatest abundance… They came together to seed the new time by planting, gardening, harvesting and seeding again, on the physical level as well as others, gathering the wisdom of our beloved planets bounty, in order to co-create and manifest the New Time…

11 With this she released into the intensity of the present moment, feeling such life force surging through, allowing her to release all effort and just allow, from a deeply receptive state, beyond fear, and energy surged through her… The more she allowed this the more energy that was built up over time released and she accessed the deep quiet, gifted from the flurry of activity…

12 Empty she came to her community, connecting the many in order to offer greater opportunities to create… She had come to know many people from many worlds, and could see how the right alignments created greater opportunities for creation to occur…

13 She came to trust the healing that was present as much knowledge was shared… She found that the greater creative vision was enhanced, through many sharing their expertise with each other, and so all grew and were able to accomplish a greater vision together… She held wonderful space for this and it all became effortless in the opening and healing that transcended limitation, promising the magic of divine accomplishment…

So beloveds the greater creative vision of the New Time is slowly but gently evolving through us…

May we enjoy the creative ideas that anchor in our minds at this time, and trust in the magic of synchronicity to assist us to accomplish our creative endeavours, in service to the betterment of all beings and our beloved Pacha Mama….




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