Kin 249: Red Lunar Moon (Saturday 19 October / SelfExisting Moon 2 Seli)

Good Morning beloveds… Today is the 2nd day of the Star 13-day wavespell of creating beauty and harmony in our lives through accessing the harmonic matrix, which is the underlay of all consciousness… Today we face the challenge of anchoring deeply into that matrix, through going with the ‘flow’ in  our daily lives… If things […]

Kin 249: Red Lunar Moon (guided by the Dragon) / Spectral 16 / May 17

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the second day of the Star wavespell… Today we take responsibility for cleansing, clearing and purifying until we get the glitter back in our physical worlds… Our bodies our environments, so that we can respond to the pure flow of beauty, allowing the natural beauty of creativity to pour […]