Kin 205: Red Planetary Serpent ‘Perfecting Instinct’
Hey beloveds… Today is Day 10 of Warrior wavespell, a couple of days till Dec 21… Here we go!!! Today is the day to perfect what it is we need for survival, yet not just survival but awakened survival… To perfect our intelligence by exploring what it is to truly expand and awaken our life […]
Kin 78: White Cosmic Mirror (guided by the Wind) / Magnetic Moon 20 / Aug 14
Good Morning Planetary Kin… White Cosmic Mirror is the 13th day of the Worldbridger wavespell… On the 13th day the work is done and we hold presence of the original purpose of surrender, letting go to allow opportunities for the right connections… To be a pure truly aligned in the truth to allow spirits messages […]