2012RainbowBridgeHey beloveds…

Today is Day 10 of Warrior wavespell, a couple of days till Dec 21… Here we go!!! Today is the day to perfect what it is we need for survival, yet not just survival but awakened survival… To perfect our intelligence by exploring what it is to truly expand and awaken our life force as well as exploring what are the primary necessities for physical survival – warmth, water, food…

205 colourWe are supported in this today by White Planetary Wizard, to perfect our vibrant life force by anchoring deeply inside guided by our breath, no leaking of energy… Allowing our-cell-ves to be enlivened, by meditation on our breath deepening our inner connection… Living life fully, receptive and enchanted by the spirit that channels through us…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Planetary Eagle… Perfecting our capacity to move from world to world, by being positioned high, so that we can see the bigger picture and allow our intuition to guide us to where abundance lies… To have physical space in order to be guided by our dreams of a new world…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow SelfExisting Warrior… In our mission to define the awakening, we question all that comes from the ancestors, to understand the ancient wisdom that comes down thru the ages… To awaken by being guided by our own free will and the wisdom that is revealed through our own intelligence as we test and quest-i-on all that comes from before…

So beloveds today I mission to a place 6 hours south of where i live, to be in the mountains and the huge rocks at a sacred place in order to bear witness to what is occurring… I have been strongly guided to be on this mission, and am excited to have no ideas of the unknowable and choose to be simply present… So below is a short download for the next couple of days, and I wish you the most potent, divine experience ever…

20th Dec – White Spectral Worldbridger assists us to release all emotional attachment in order to courageously bridge one world to another…

21st Dec – Blue Crystal Hand assists the transformative healing of the collective mind as we experience mass awakening which reveals the errs of a paradigm of power and control, and brings the knowledge that heals, revealing to us to follow our own intelligent quest-i-on-ing…

22nd Dec – Yellow Cosmic Star allows us to be fully present, where for the first time we collectively choose to align the collective consciousness to harmony, in alignment with the harmonic matrix, the most natural beauty that reveals the path to the New Time…

So beloveds blessed be, in truth no-one knows what will occur, and yet the codes of the Mayan Dreamspell, point to the above. These are short readings and to go deeper into the energies you could read past posts that have the same kin numbers or scour the net for many other perspectives, all come from source and have validity… Although again question the doom and gloom and find what brings you balance, for in truth, it is as you think it will be!

Blessed be dear hearts, I will be with you in the One Heart, One Mind of our collective awakening, we are all connected… May all hold the vision and intention for the activation of a Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge revealing our planet to the rest of the cosmos as a Planet of Peace!!!



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