Ok so today we are co-operating by bringing the potent wisdom of our experiences to others to engage the highest level of mind, for one mind to operate with another… Here we share the ancient wisdom of birthing in order to focus on how we can seed together this wisdom to intiate the birthing… Also those that hold the capacity to influence others here can bring a co-operative focus to any venture that is birthing the new…

The support energy today is Blue Crystal Hand, guided by the Storm, in the wavespell of the Warrior… This is the signature of the infamous date Dec 21, 2012… So todays energy is the support energy of that day, which is interesting seeing that yesterday was Jose Arguelles signature kin… So Blue Crystal Hand is the willingness to co-operate with others to transform old knowledge and allow the mind to understand the many possibilities of consciousness, to really know that anything is possible at any time and there is no one solution for anything, that all solutions are born from the centre of our own being and spark out radially from that core, usually the greatest solutions are those that carry the most energy, and so it is that we must understand that the greatest way to birth the New Time is to energise thought forms that birth the ways we would like to be in the world of the worlds we would like to live in… So to spell that out clearly it is time to only give energy to that which you would like to live in…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Crystal Wind, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Monkey… The challenge to anchor the pure voice, the pure communication of Spirit that serves to push the boundaries of previously accepted reality… To sit in circle with others and sound the magic of the New into alignment…

The hidden gift of this day is Red Lunar Moon, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Star… To anchor the harmonic matrix through the challenge or purifying and nurturing our physical bodies so that we may build our physical frequency one that is fluid and able to respond to the flow of harmony… To build up our sensitivity to birth our capacity to go with the flow of the beauty of the natural world… To be in the waters and wash a lot in order to cleanse all old energy from our beings… Birthing the New Time…

Blessed be beloved hearts, a big day, a day of wonder and birthing the new…


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