Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Today is the 12th day of both the Dragon wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin… The twelfth Crystal day works primarily on the highest level of mind, co-operation and is always a community day, a day where agendas have been released and we are simply here to co-operate, to look to what happened over the past 11 days and share experiences as we look to the future…

Today we do that through the Yellow Human guided by the Seed, which encourages co-creation that aims for a highest potential, by choosing to follow our collective wisdom  in order that our communal efforts will carry a lot of influence… Free will that is choosing the highest potentials for co-creating the new… The wise ones gathering to look to the future for our children… The grandmothers and mothers that have birthed many things may gather and look to the future for the young ones…

Elena_and_MargaritaPredawn collective healing enters into our subconscious dreaming… A powerful knowledge enters that holds keys for the transformation of the sheep-like state of the collective mind… This is the energy that was available on the 21st Dec 2012…

This morning co-creation guided by an intelligent focus awakens us to the possibilities for collective awakening…

This afternoon is a wonderful time to gather with others and allow music and communication, anchoring deeply so the presence of spirit may be felt as it channels through us with its messages of magic…

This evening we are gifted a pure flow that responds by anchoring deeply into harmony… The purity of the physical form is important this evening, nurturing and caring for our bodies with a long immersion in water is ideal…

So beloveds a day of co-creating with those that carry the wisdom for the people, those that have the betterment of the all at heart… Let us work together to birth the new in the most caring and focused way… Blessed Be…

A beautiful chant that enraptures today…


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