Hello beautiful Kin…

So because of the auspiciousness of this day I am writing from the day before here in LA where we are still on Galactic Wizard.. so those of you already well into your day, feel free to elucidate on this transmission…

So Solar Eagle pulses the vision, and we are guided to trust these visions that set the intentions for the solutions for healing our planet… To realise that a trusting creative mind that is able to soar above the immediate issues to get a better view of the long term solutions that are inherent in the accomplishment of healing our planet… And wow is that what is occuring on this day… amazing…

We are supported today by Yellow Solar Seed, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Warrior… The co-creative pulsing of solar intelligence as all join together to focus intensely upon the coming of the New Time and the world we want to create…

Here in LA there is a Vancouver to LA linkup as the west coast of the United States is synched to make a difference!!!

The challenge that strengthens today is Red Solar Serpent, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Earth… To pulse our primal instinctive response in right timing.. To listen for the pulse that is galactivated from the Earth and respond in perfect timing with the intention of survival…

The hidden gift today is White Overtone Worldbridger, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Wind… Our power today lies in full receptive surrender to being the voice of spirit that allows us to cross the bridge from one world to another… To sing/sound in devotion, anchoring the new frequencies that act as the bridge to the New Time…

blessed be dear hearts and may we occupy our hearts deeply and divinely as we galactivate the New Time!!!


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