Good Morning Beloved Kin…
So today we activate our vision, thru listening and responding to synchronicity, which serves the evolution of ourselves and our Planet Earth… Thru listening we navigate the Earths cycles, hearing her messages and learn to serve and nurture her, building our respect for natural timing…
We are supported in this today by White Electric Wind, guided by the Worldbridger, in the Sun wavespell… Activating the light that we are thru allowing spirit to channel through us, surrendering any ego attachment to what comes through…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Electric Hand, guided by the Monkey, in the Serpent wavespell… To activate the healing of our life force, through trusting our instinctual actions that are directed towards accomplishing survival…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Spectral Seed, self guided, in the Wizard wavespell… To liberate our timeless receptivity to multidimensional realms, through releasing the energy received into co-creating the New Time…
Note how the hidden gift wavespell stays the same for one whole 13 day cycle… eg the hidden gift wavespell for the Eagle wavespell is the Wizard wavespell, if you look to the Tzolkinm you will see that these wavespells exactly reflect each other in the synchronic order…
So beloveds enjoy this day of nurturing and bonding with the Earth, through the messages she sends us, and may this Wesak Full Moon honour Buddha and all the valleys of Shamballa in the high Himalayas as they gather in pure love and light…
Sending you deep gratitude that we share responsibility for our Earth Mothers nurturing…