Hi there…
Today is the 6th day of the Eagle wavespell… Today we find balance in our creations through having space to organise all that we need from the physical world in order to take our creative visions and projects the next step…
Today is supported by Blue Rhythmic Storm, in the Wizard wavespell… To catalyse any stagnant physical energy into a form that brings balance and equality to our physical form…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Rhythmic Dog, in the Serpent wavespell… To join with our loved ones in order to organise for our survival, looking at what resources are needed to bring balance to our physical bodies and world…
Todays hidden gift is Red Galactic Dragon, guided by the Serpent, in the Wizard wavespell… To integrate what it is to be receptive to new energies, by allowing our minds to respond to the raw instinct of thoughts that arrive that assist to bEarth the new…
So beloveds, enjoy this day, and remember to be in the Sun and soak in the Vitamin D that assists us to deal with increased radiation on the planet…

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