Hello Beloved Kin…
So today is the day to dream the great transformation… Today we realise that the greatest vision is to fully free up all the abundant energy held in the collective unconscious… We realise this abundance as it emerges from the collective dream to pulse our most creative vision…
Todays support is Yellow Solar Warrior, guided by the Human, in the wavespell of the Star… Realising our creativity is pulsed by the ancestral intelligence that understands itself as connected to the patterns of harmony, the harmonic matrix of all of life…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Solar Skywalker, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Serpent… Realising that our survival depends on expanding our fluid antennae out into the cosmos, to explore our relationship with all beings, purifying these connections in order to flow…
Todays hidden gift is White Overtone Mirror, guided by the Worldbridger, in the Wizard wavespell… The power of surrendering to receiving the pure reflection, the truth of what is in front of us, minus the frills…
So beloveds, enjoy this day of pulsing the dream, transforming the collective unconscious into abundance for all beings, the realisation of the greatest vision we can hold, as the financial world falls around us in order to readress the balance of abundance on our planet, and deliver the resources back from Corporate greed to the People of the Earth… Let us hold the vision of our planet coming into right alignment… the power of the truth of us all as connected in the one harmonic web of consciousness, all natural law cutting away the excess and lack… Blessed be dear hearts, I am grateful for being on this journey with you all…

Today I am also at the point in the creation of this years 13 Moon Synchronometer, where the abundance is being dreamed in for printing… So I put it out to this network, that if any are called to support, either by ordering the next years (July 26 2012 to July 25 2013) Synchronometer that assists you to learn the 13 Moons, 13:20 harmonic matrix of the Mayan Dreamspell, and also to follow daily the energies or simply by donating funds to support this effort to educate and prepare us for the New Time… You may pay through my email (lovevasumi@yahoo.com) to paypal…
Journals are going for the earlybird price of $25 each, or $20 each if ordering more than 5 copies, just let me know where you are and I can send the postage price…
So beloveds if you or any you know are able to support this endeavour, I am truly grateful for your service to the New Time for future generations…
STATUS: At time of writing $1000 of $6000 already raised…

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